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The information contained through out this website is provided for educational purposes only and it is not intended to replace medical advice from a medical doctor.

All opinions or views that are expressed by myself are 100% honest and in no way am I being compensated to speak about a specific product. If I speak about a product it is because of the love I have for that product. 

Privacy Policy- I understand how important your privacy is. I am committed to protecting your privacy and any personal information I collect from you or about you. I will never sell your personal information to another party for marketing purposes.  

Blog-Please be aware that by signing up for the blog you may receive an informative email with information about new products in the nutritional world, helpful tips, recipes & upcoming workshops. At any time should you wish to be removed from the blog email just click on unsubscribe which can be found in the settings section of the blog (click on the outline of a person located in the upper right corner beside the bell and the settings will drop down).

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