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  • Writer's pictureLeah

Matcha Monday, Tuesday.......

Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, no it's not superman it's Matcha Man! Well, if there was a superhero when it came to health & wellness my money would be on Matcha Man.

Let's take a serious look at what matcha is and how it can benefit your health. Matcha is relatively new to us in North America, but has been around since the 12th century in Japan. In case you didn't know, it is made from tea leaves grown in the the shade, harvested and stone ground to a fine bright green powder known as matcha. With its rising popularity many different recipes and uses for matcha have surfaced from matcha lattes to matcha banana bread and let's not forget matcha macaroons!

What makes matcha so great? Could it be that it is packed with antioxidants? You would have to drink 10 cups of green tea to equal the amount of antioxidants in 1 cup of matcha tea. Matcha seems to run circles around the competition, it has 20 times more antioxidants than gojiberries, blueberries, broccoli and spinach. Antioxidants are naturally occurring and help to protect the body from free radical damage which plays a factor in the development of chronic diseases. With everyone looking for the fountain of youth, matcha provides these essential antioxidants that help to prevent aging and chronic diseases.

Matcha has a long list of benefits from weight loss (it boosts the body's metabolism and burns fat with out raising blood pressure), to helping to calm the mind as it contains L-Theanine (it is an amino acid that actually promotes a state of relaxation and well-being). Matcha is also packed with Vitamin A,C & E, along with magnesium, zinc and catechin polyphenols which help to counteract the effects of free radicals from the likes of environmental pollution, UV rays and chemicals found in our daily lives.

Just with these benefits alone it's worth venturing out and ordering yourself a matcha latte, and dive into those many, many matcha recipes out there.

Stay tuned as I will be posting a delicious recipe that involves matcha and chocolate!

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