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  • Writer's pictureLeah

Superfood Super Snack

There's so many reasons to love avocados, from their health benefits to their versatile recipes like chocolate avo-mousse (that recipe will follow soon) and guacamole.

Besides being one of the best superfoods they contain a lot of nutrients and antioxidants, such as folic acid, Omega 3, magnesium, potassium, lutein and fibre. They also contain vitamin A, C, D, E & K.

Here's a quick and super easy guacamole recipe that was taught to us by the head chef while staying at the JW Mariott Camelback resort in Arizona, it's quick and easy to make and super delicious! Yummmmy!

Recipe Ingredients

1 avocado

1 red onion

1 diced tomato

1 chopped jalepeno

1/2 of a large lime or 1 whole small lime

Dice avocado in the husk & remove with a spoon & place into a bowl or molcajete.

Hand sqeeze the lime over the avocado

Mix in the ingredients & mix until you have reached the consistency you like, chunky or not!

Some people say to mash the avocado with a potato masher before adding ingredients, I find that this can make it almost to mushy, use a fork or the pestal from the molcajete.


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