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  • Writer's pictureLeah

Torrone an Italian Xmas Tradition...

If there's one thing that reminds me of Christmas more than anything (food wise) it would have to be "torrone". Growing up in a Italo-Canadian household there was never a shortage of this nougat treat during the month of December. It didn't matter who's house you visited, from cousin Matteo's to your Zia Maria's there was always enough torrone to go around.

This past Sunday our annual cookie exchange took place and I decided to bust out the torrone instead of traditional cookies as per say. Needless to say everyone loved them and wanted the recipe*, please find it below. Keep in mind this can be a vegan treat as long as you purchase vegan marshmallows and sub butter for coconut oil.

Ingredients for Torrone

  • 500 grams of hazelnuts lightly roasted & peeled before using in recipe

  • 500 grams of roasted almonds

  • 500 grams of marshmallows

  • 800 grams of white chocolate

  • 1/4 cup of butter (I prefer salted) / 1/4 cup of refined coconut oil

  • 2 sheets of rice paper-rectangular as you will be using a rectangular pan (9x13")

  • When choosing your ingredients try to choose organic or non GMO products


  • Melt butter or coconut oil in a medium pan over low heat, gradually add in marshmallows, while this is happening melt chocolate in a separate pan (double boiler is best, you can choose to microwave it but you will have to be careful as it can burn quickly in the microwave).

  • Once chocolate is melted add it to the marshmallow mixture along with all the nuts, remove from heat.

  • Place a sheet of rice paper in the bottom of the pan, pour the mixture evenly throughout the pan.

  • Place another sheet of rice paper on top of the mixture and flatten. Sometimes my Zia (Aunt) will place a smaller rectangular pan that has a couple cans of beans inside it on top of it to keep the mixture flat.

  • Place in fridge to harden (you can cover everything with saran wrap to keep it from drying out) usually overnight.

  • Remove from fridge the next morning, cut with a sharp knife, shape and size is up to you.

*Please note I had to translate this recipe into English from Italian. My Aunt who makes this amazing treat doesn't follow a recipe, she just knows how to make it. It was a little tricky trying to stop her from placing the ingredients in the pan and letting me measure them on a scale before every step but for once victory was mine!


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